Why I created a life and travel bucket list and why you should do it too.

Why I created a life and travel bucket list and why you should do it too. DSC 0819

Bucket list is something that a lot of bloggers have and are proud to tick points on them. Others think that it’s terribly boring, what’s the point of writing it all down, all such lists are the same. Who wouldn’t like to earn a lot of money and to see the Eiffel Tower. Others will say that it’s ok to have such dreams in our heads but they won’t come true anyway so why bother writing it all down. You’d better get to some real work instead.

But really, this is not important if your list is going to be exactly the same as thousand others or it’s not going to have a single common point with any of them. It’s not important that others think it is impossible to make all the points come true. What’s important is that it will be your own. That it will make you jump out of your bed every day.

I started creating my own bucket list in order to organize my own thoughts. I sometimes feel like I want to see and do everything and that I want to do it now. I often have to stop myself from starting another thing – learning another language, planning five trips, assigning to ten different activities, planning thirty blog projects at once. Firstly, I would run out of time and money. Secondly – I wouldn’t do any of these things well and that’s not what I want.

Except for setting my goals in order I noticed one more benefit of the bucket list. Whenever I heard before that someone is going to Iceland or to Romania, plans to see the fjords or takes the train to lake Baikal I was immediately getting angry at myself – “It’s so amazing there, WHY HAVEN’T I BEEN THERE YET???!!!!! LETSGONOWIMMEDIATELY!!!!!”. When I heard someone speak Italian or Spanish I was immediately thinking “and why don’t I speak it yet?”. Well, you don’t, you stupid hag because until now you have learnt English and Russian and currently you learn French and you didn’t get to the other two yet. You haven’t visited these places yet because you have been to many others in the meantime. Bingo, America’s discovered again!

Creating this list helped me notice my overgrown ambition. If you feel similarly – get a pen now and start creating your own! Don’t forget to add the dream places you have already visited and the goals you have already achieved. Thanks to that I was finally able to praise myself for what I have already achieved instead of being constantly dissatisfied with what I haven’t seen and done yet. What is more, the size of this list made me realize that it’s just not possible to do it all immediately. There will always be something still left to do – and that’s ok!! I shouldn’t treat it as a failure. I finally understood it 🙂 In spite of other travel bloggers’ warnings, creating a bucket list didn’t make me blindly chase all these points in order to tick them all asap. On the contrary, it helped me chill out and slow down 🙂

There is one more reason to create a bucket list even if you don’t have too many dreams and your ambition doesn’t try to kill you.

A dream written down becomes a goal.

2 thoughts on “Why I created a life and travel bucket list and why you should do it too.

  • Reply The Crazy running guy August 6, 2016 at 3:41 am

    I enjoyed reading and reviewing your bucket list. I for one would consider it quite challenging to say the least. Good luck on completing it or not. I thinking of the beauty of not completing everything is that you live, dream and continue seeking that which makes life perhaps more meaningful. I applaude you setting up a challenge that will take you long into a life well into your older age and in feel life as it was truly meant to be lived.

    • Reply Dorota August 7, 2016 at 10:16 am

      It is challenging but it’s ok not to complete it all. It’s just a kind of guideline for myself. Hopefully I’ll just look at it in 50 years and say “good job Dorota you ticked a lot of points – and there are still some left so don’t stop going for it” 🙂

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