In December 2015 I was sitting at the same desk in the same flat. In the same room, on the same chair. I was writing on ...
How to avoid distractions and work significantly faster?
I try to focus again. I’m writing a post. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. My whole desk vibrated because my friend sent me some memes with Donald Trump on Whatsapp. ...
What Cleaning Bird Poop Off A Terrace Can Teach You About Life?
When I started working as a volunteer in WWOOF program (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) I thought I’ll be doing only the noble jobs which almost ...
2 quotes which made my life better (and they can make yours too)
In general all these motivational quotes are not for me. I don’t really need them to feel the inner motivation for self-development. Not mentioning the fact ...
How to handle difficult conversations? The art of constructive feedback.
“You are always late!”, “You never wash the dishes!”, “Oh you really fucked this up”. Have you ever criticized someone this way? I’m sure you have. ...
How To Learn A Foreign Language Without Cramming Grammar And Vocabulary?
If you’ve ever learned a foreign language I’m sure you remember these long vocabulary lists to cram for the upcoming exam. I’m sure you remember learning ...
Why I created a life and travel bucket list and why you should do it too.
Bucket list is something that a lot of bloggers have and are proud to tick points on them. Others think that it’s terribly boring, what’s the ...
How I asked my boss for an extended leave to travel – and how you can do that too!
This year in order to implement my travel plans and go to the USA for two months to travel and volunteer on a ranch I asked my ...