2 quotes which made my life better (and they can make yours too)

2 quotes which made my life better (and they can make yours too) cover

In general all these motivational quotes are not for me. I don’t really need them to feel the inner motivation for self-development. Not mentioning the fact that they often sound trivial like the worst sentence from Paulo Coelho’s book. Yes, I do read them from time to time but I don’t need to hang them over my bed and read every morning that “I am my only limit” and that “if I believe in success I am half way there”. I like to read that for an additional motivational kick but I know all that already.

However, there are exceptions. I love travel quotes which make me want to pack my bags and leave now. Check these websites if you want to tickle your wanderlust too!

There are also two motivational quotes which struck me like a thunderbolt, appeared to me as the ultimate wisdom and became my life motto. Thanks to them my life really is better. And yours could be too if you implement them in your life. 🙂

„There are seven days in a week and SOMEDAY isn’t one of them”

paragliding Zar - 2 quotes

I heard this sentence for the first time in this TED Talk. The whole lecture inspired me a lot but this sentence just stuck in my head. Just think, how many things you put off for “someday”. Some day which still doesn’t come neither this week nor the next. Not even the following. And even though I wrote a few paragraphs higher that I don’t need any quotes over my bed, this one has been a screensaver on my phone since the day I heard it. I look at it every day and it really gives me loads of energy to turn the “somedays” appearing in my head into a “today”. Not even a “Monday” because we all know how effective starting from Monday usually is. Almost as effective as New Year’s resolutions.

2 quotes paragliding Zar

“Everything happens for a reason”

Did you know that a co-founder of Whatsapp applied for a job in Facebook and Twitter and he got rejected? A few years later Facebook bought his product for 19 billion dollars. Had Brian been accepted for the position in 2009 who knows if he would have decided to help his friend develop Whatsapp. Retrospectively, the failure was the best thing which could have happened to him.

Before I started planning my trip to the USA, I applied for a summer school at the university in San Diego regarding social entrepreneurship. An amazing opportunity to learn something new in the field which is very interesting for me. What is more, transportation, accommodation and meals for the time of the course were provided by the organizer of this course. I thought I am a perfect candidate, I met all the expectations, I spent a lot of time on filling up the longish application form. With no success. They received more than 1000 application for 20 places and unfortunately I wasn’t among the best 20 ones. While I was waiting for the results I got so excited about the thought that I’m going to the USA that after receiving them I decided to go there anyway and find another volunteering opportunity. The first one which I found and liked a lot didn’t work out. This organization doesn’t work in September. It was only the third try with WWOOF that worked out and I got accepted.

It seems that there, not anywhere else I will meet people I am supposed to meet. There I will gather the experiences that will shape my future. And don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe in fate. But I do believe that this experience will have a very positive impact on me and my future. And I can’t wait to see where it will lead me this time.

I hope for the same as Brian Acton… 😉

These two philosophies complement each other very well. We often put some things off until “someday” because we are afraid of failure. Because we treat failure as a sign of our own hopelessness. Believe that each and every failure leads you to the goal – maybe a bit different one than what you assumed at the very beginning but also a good one. Then you will stop being afraid. You will stop talking that you will begin “someday”.

Just begin. Today.

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