Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon? Hard decision of the traveler and how to make it.

Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon? Hard decision of the traveler and how to make it. cover 1

Antelope Canyon. I never believed it is real. Rocks on Earth do not have such colors. In the pictures I have seen before in the Internet the photographers must have exaggerated with color saturation. Rocks’ shapes? They look like this only from a certain angle.

And you know what?

I was wrong.

These pictures don’t lie. At all.

upper or lower antelope canyon

Antelope Canyon is vivid red and full of outstanding shapes. You can’t miss it during your Arizona road trip.

Along with The Wave, it’s one of these outstanding places in the USA you didn’t know existed and one of the most amazing places around Page, Arizona. You touch the rocks to make sure they are real, red sand sticks to your fingers and crunches when you turn the camera lens. It gets to your shoes and in your mouth. But you don’t notice. You can’t stop watching the rocks around you.

Upper Antelope Canyon and Lower Antelope Canyon. You probably wonder if both of them are equally amazing. The short answer is – they both amaze. But I can tell without hesitation which one took my breath away for a bit longer..

upper or lower antelope canyon

Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon?

If time and budget let you see both of them, do it. Don’t hesitate, go book your tours. Believe me, after you go out of one the only thing you will think of is to get back there. If you have another tour booked, with a big smile on your face you won’t even clean your clothes from red sand.

If you can’t see both of them, choose Lower Antelope Canyon.

Yes, I know. Other internet sources say the opposite.

Yes, Upper Antelope Canyon is breathtaking.

upper or lower antelope canyon

upper or lower antelope canyon

upper or lower antelope canyon

Yes, before the trip to Upper Antelope Canyon you can see a tribal Navajo dance (with Chief Tsosie Antelope Slot Canyon Tours) and it’s great.

Navajo dance show before Upper Antelope Canyon your

Yes, the trip to Upper Antelope Canyon starts on time.

Yes, in Lower Antelope Canyon even though you booked a trip for specific time, you have to wait in a line to get in there. It takes around one hour. For two reasons. One, some people are afraid of heights and get down the ladders very slowly. If you have a huge fear of heights or you don’t cope well with heat, choose Upper Antelope Canyon. There are no ladders or queues.

queue before entering Lower Antelope Canyon

Otherwise – the second reason why it takes so long is that everybody spends a lot of time in the first room after getting down the canyon. Trying to get their jaws back up.

Because in Lower Antelope Canyon your jaw drops to the very ground. In Lower Antelope Canyon you might forget to breathe. In Lower Antelope Canyon you will feel like on a different planet. And the feeling will be more intense than in its upper equivalent.

upper or lower antelope canyon

upper or lower antelope canyon

upper or lower antelope canyon

Lower Antelope Canyon is more spacious. There is a lot of people like in Upper Antelope Canyon but the next tour doesn’t follow you step by step. Before they get down the ladder you will have enough time to move further. Your stops for pictures don’t force a line of people behind  you to stop too. Sometimes you have the canyon for yourself, at least for a few seconds.

upper or lower antelope canyon

upper or lower antelope canyon

upper or lower antelope canyon

Lower Antelope Canyon is also cheaper. The trip costs 20$ and the one to Upper Antelope Canyon – 40$ (+8$ charge for entering Navajo nation land. Applicable per person, twice if you visit both canyons).

Comparing these two places is similar to comparing two viewing points in the Grand Canyon. I can’t call any of them “worse”.  Such a negative word just isn’t right.

They are all breathtaking. But one of them leaves you in awe more.

upper or lower antelope canyon

I’ve been to Antelope Canyon. I have seen it with my own eyes. But I still wonder – is this place real? Or maybe it was just a dream and while editing my pictures I did exaggerate with color saturation?

Antelope Canyon is located near Page, Arizona. It’s less than 3h drive from other amazing national parks: the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park, it can even be reached in one day from Las Vegas. Don’t miss it!

Remember the easiest and often only way to move around the National Parks in the USA is to have a car. If you still need to book yours, click the button below to see the prices 🙂

Rent a car in the USA: check prices

If you’re planning your trip to the USA or only dreaming about it – check how to organize your trip to the USA step by step!

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17 thoughts on “Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon? Hard decision of the traveler and how to make it.

  • Reply Joanna November 27, 2016 at 2:51 pm

    Wow, these photos look out of this world. Brilliant!
    I just wonder, if you had to choose: Grand Canyon or Antelope, which one would you go for?

    • Reply Dorota November 27, 2016 at 5:31 pm

      Whoa, that’s a hard choice! Grand Canyon and Antelope are located quite close from each other (2,5h drive or less to some spots of the GC) and I really would say that both of them are a must if you are in the area. If I HAD TO choose I would probably go for the Grand Canyon simply because there’s more freedom to plan your day and more to do (you can hike along the rim or go down the Canyon while in Antelope it’s just a guided tour with a crowd of other people). But really, don’t choose, do both!! 😉

      • Reply Joanna November 27, 2016 at 9:52 pm

        I’ll visit both, hopefully – wouldn’t want to choose either 🙂

    • Reply VF September 15, 2017 at 5:26 pm

      They are different beasts, so if you can, go to both. But I agree with the above reply. If I had to choose one, Grand Canyon has more freedom and views.

      • Reply Dorota September 18, 2017 at 6:20 pm

        Oh yes, completely different and both of them are breathtaking. 🙂

    • Reply Jana Brown February 4, 2022 at 5:39 am

      What time of day is it best to visit Lower canyon in April ?

  • Reply Who else wants to feel the magic of Bryce Canyon? January 7, 2017 at 12:09 pm

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    […] at the end of the most beautiful part – Wall Street. Wall Street in some places reminds me of Antelope Canyon. It’s not that narrow, but equally breathtaking. The hike would still be over 6 km (3 […]

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  • Reply Lalitha Nanduri November 21, 2017 at 7:14 am

    Awesome photos! Great writing! Do you think 4 year old would be able to do lower antelope canyon?

    • Reply Dorota November 21, 2017 at 7:17 pm

      Thank you very much Lalitha! 🙂 It’s hard to say for me as I’m not a mom and it very much depends on the kid. There is quite a steep staircase/ladder to climb when you go down the lower canyon and I’ve seen some adults freak out. If the 4 year old is an adventurous little person it shouldn’t be a huge problem physically, the problem is not to get scared. Google “ladders lower antelope canyon” in graphics so you have an idea. Waiting 1h in the sun before entering the canyon can be tough for him/her too, however I know this doesn’t happen to everybody, probably depends on the time of the year and day.

      • Reply Lalitha Nanduri November 21, 2017 at 7:54 pm

        Thanks Dorota! Your response helped me understand the trip better. I think I will show the pics to my son and let him decide. But atleast I am not worried now that it is not a huge problem physically. Thanks again.

        • Reply Dorota November 22, 2017 at 5:07 pm

          You’re very welcome, enjoy your trip! 🙂

  • Reply Page, Arizona: The Gem Of The American Southwest - Enchanted Serendipity April 29, 2018 at 6:35 am

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  • Reply zidane April 26, 2023 at 8:29 am

    thank you for the article

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